White belt testing for Yellow Belt
Nak Bup: Front, Back, Left, Right
Stances: Ready, Horseback, Walking and Forward
Basic Blocking Routine
Jab & Reverse Punches
Kicks: Front Snap Kick, Roundhouse, Rising and Crescent
Oral Test: Count 1-10, Five Aims, Basic Terminology
Yellow Belt testing for Orange Belt
Sa Bang Chuk 1
Poomse: Tae Guk Il Jang (Kee Bon Poomse for Children)
Kicks: Axe, Side, Basic Kicking
Board Breaking: Adults – Front Snap Kick, Children – Flying Side Kick
Nak Bup: Combination
Oral test: Student Creed, Count 1-20
Orange Belt testing for Green Belt
Sa Bang Chuk 2
Poomse: Tae Guk Ee Jang
Stance: Back Stance
Kicks: Skipping Front Snap, Roundhouse, Side, Axe
Oral test: Eleven Commandments of Taekwondo
Green Belt testing for Blue Belt
Sa Bang Chuck 3
Poomse: Tae Guk Sam Jang
Kick: Spinning Back Kick
Board Breaking: Adult: Knife Hand, Children: Front Snap Kick
Oral Test: History of Taekwondo (Children: 3 ancient Kingdoms of Korea)
Blue Belt testing for High Blue belt
Sa Bang Chuck 4
Poomse: Tae Guk Sa Jang
Kicks: Skipping Hook Kick
Oral Test: Philosophy of Taekwondo (Children: Meanings of the 5 Codes
High Blue Belt testing for Purple Belt
Sa Bang Chuck 5
Poomse: Palgue Il Jang
Board Breaking: Skipping Side Kick
Oral Test: Children-History of Taekwondo (Adults-No question for this test)
Purple Belt testing for High Purple belt
Sa Bang Chuk 6
Poomse: Tae Guk Oh Jang
Kicks: Spinning Back Hook Kick
Oral Test: Old names of Taekwondo (minimum of 3)
High Purple Belt testing for Red belt
Sa Bang Chuk 7
Poomse: Palgue Ee Jang
Board Breaking: Jumping Front Kick
Oral Test: Taekwondo/Olympic Relations
Red Belt testing for High Red belt
Sa Bang Chuk 8
Poomse: Tae Guk Yuk Jang
Kick: Narabang
Board Breaking: Reverse Punch
Oral Test: No question for this test
High Red Belt testing for Brown belt
Sa Bang Chuk 9
Poomse: Palgue Sam Jang
Board Breaking: Spinning Back Kick
Oral Test: Explain the meaning of the Ji Do Kwan symbol
Brown Belt testing for High Brown belt
Sa Bang Chuk 10
Poomse: Tae Guk Chil Jang
Board Breaking: Spinning Back Hook Kick
Oral Test: Children-Biography (Sabumnim chooses subject), Adults-No question for this test
High Brown Belt testing for Red-Black belt
Sa Bang Chuk 11
Poomse: Palgue Sa Jang
Board Breaking: Adult – 2 Boards, Spinning Back Kick, Children – 1" Board, Spinning Back Kick
Oral Test: Student chooses one of the 11 Commandments of Taekwondo and explains its importance.
Red-Black testing for Bo Dan
Sa Bang Chuck 12
Poomse: Tae guk Pal Jang
Board Breaking: 2 station breaking (1 hand technique and 1 kick)
Oral Test: No question for this test
Bo Dan testing for Black Belt
Sa Bang Chuk: 1-13
Poomse: Palgue Oh Jang & Tae Guk Pal Jang (Tae Guks 1-8 & Palgues 1-5)
Board Breaking: 3 Station Technical ( Flying Side Kick Over 3(or 4) Pads, 3 Board Back Kick, Power Breaking w/Hand
Tests: Written Test, Written & Oral Essays
Black Belt - level testing
Poomse and Sa Bang Chuck for current and previous levels
1 Step Sparring: 1-20 (first dan) 20-30 (second dan)
Target Sparring
Board Breaking